Friday, July 24, 2009

Scenes from the corner of Ben Yehudah & Ben Hillel, downtown Jerusalem

I can personally vouch for at least four years that this "prophet" has been in the Midreḥov (Ben Yehudah) because I used to watch him when I worked in a jewelry and judaica store there in 2005.

He has a sermon, as does any ordinary preacher. He preaches Jesus, as do thousands of street-corner and public-square preachers from the Bible belt. He wears some kind of tunic, which is a bit stranger ― but hey, he's sporting a backpack and trousers, which brings him back to this century. THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE SPEAKS FOR GOD IN THE FIRST PERSON, e.g. "I will send you a sign..." and "I sent my son Jesus, but you rejected him..."

I do not believe I have witnessed anyone else being the personal mouthpiece of the Almighty, to that degree. I saw a guy take him on verbally once, and he came back with "You WILL be destroyed!", repeated several times for rhetorical effect.

Other than that, the white eyebrows just make his presentation.

I've seen him in the company of others, having a non-prophetic conversation over a burger or whatever, and he seems to be sane. This is not Jerusalem syndrome.

Oh, and he prophecies in U.S. English. You won't find a precedent for that in the Old Testament.

(If anyone knows any more about this dude, please let me know. I'm morbidly curious as to how he makes a living, what he does in his off time, etc.)

Same location, but this girl is in a different universe, genre-wise.

I've seen her act (from my job) three times, and still don't completely understand it. But she's basically a mime accompanied by music from the 30s, her sole prop being a coat rack that holds a coat and top hat. Every few moments she changes poses. And what her story is just eludes me, but she sure draws a crowd.

Opposite corner, same location.

I'm just picturing this dog asking people as they enter the Bank HaMizraḥi, "Yesh nesekh?" [Are you carrying a firearm?]

Bonus points for you if you've ever envisioned "Eshet Ḥayil" as a woman on the flying trapeze. (You have to click on the photo to see that part.)

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